RPG Games

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Super Nintendo RPG Games:

Breath of Fire II -Equip and explore this capcom classic.
Chrono Trigger -This might actually be the best game ever made...masterpiece.
Dragon Quest 1 & 2  -16 bit updates of the enix 8 bit classics.
Dragon Quest 5 -Great RPG.One of the best in the series.
Dragon Quest 6 -Another great installment in the DQ series.
Earthbound -This is a must play RPG for the SNES.
Final Fantasy 2 -Also known as part 4 in japan.Great RPG.
Final Fantasy 3 -This square gem is a MUST play.Also known as part 6 in japan
Final Fantasy 5   -Another great installment in the final fantasy series.
Secret of Mana  -A fantastic action packed square RPG.
Secret of Mana 2  -The awesome sequel to the original.

Genesis RPG Games:

Phantasy Star 2 - A cool sega RPG with cool music.
Shadowrun - A cool and interesting cyber punk RPG for the genesis.
Shining Force - A classic RPG.Some say its better than fire emblem.
Shining Force 2 - The awesome sequel to the shining force series.

Nintendo RPG Games:

Dragon Warrior -  The highly influential RPG classic.Also known as Dragons Quest in japan
Dragon Warrior 2 - The secend game in the DQ series.
Dragon Warrior 3 - Third times a charm for this one.
Dragon Warrior 4 - Yet another good game in the DQ series.
Final Fantasy - The first game in the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy II - The translated version of the japanese game.
Final Fantasy III - Another japanese translated version of FF3.
Mother/earthbound - A cool RPG that takes place in modern times.